Qualitative Research Methods - 2025

Qualitative Research Methods - 2025

The PhD course on qualitative research methods is offered in a modular course design. To complete the mandatory course, the basic module - Module A (2.5 ECTS) - and one of the three supplementary modules - Modules B, C, D (2.5 ECTS each) - need to be completed (this only applies to PhD students at the Department of Management, Aarhus BSS, Aarhus University).

The modules are:

  • Module A - Introduction & Research Design (4-6 March 2025)
    The mandatory module will enable participants to match research aims with an effective research strategy and suitable qualitative research methods. The course will leverage on contrasting of successful papers to form the ability to critically appraise research designs and further develop the participants' own research strategy and methods.
    Application deadline: 4 February 2025.
    More info and sign-up
  • Module B - Collecting Qualitative Data (2-4 April 2025)
    This module will enable participants to choose and utilise a variety of qualitative data collection methods, including interviews and participant observation, video recording, online data collection, and focus groups.
    Application deadline: 25 February 2025.

    More info and sign-up
  • Module C - Analysing Qualitative Data (28-30 April 2025)
    This module will teach advanced skills to analyse different data types related to text and talk. Different analysis methods will be discussed, including structured interview and text analysis (e.g. the Gioia method), cultural analysis, narrative analysis, discourse analysis, conversation analysis.
    Application deadline: 24 March 2025.
    More info and sign-up
  • Module D - Mixing Methods (19-20 and 22 May 2025)
    This module provides students with an overview of how different research strategies or methods may be integrated to meet a research aim. Students will have the opportunity to reflect on and critically appraise papers and research projects that mix different qualitative methods as well as combinations of qualitative and quantitative research methods.
    Application deadline: 10 April 2025.
    More info and sign-up

Students with a PhD project based on qualitative methods might want to choose more than one elective to gain deeper methodological knowledge and skills, e.g. the modules A, B and C. Students working on a quantitative research project might want to follow A and D, which would emphasize in particular the ability to critically reflect on and proactively design successful research designs that might include mixing methods. Students are, however, free to choose any combination that contains the mandatory module A.