Working environment

Emergency response

If you witness an accident, fire or life-threatening situation at AU, the first thing you should do is try to stop or contain the accident, if possible. Then call 112 and evacuate the building if necessary. Also call the AU alarm number 87 15 16 17 right away and contact the head of department, head of secretariat or a staff member from the secretariat.

AU culture and well-being

A good workplace culture must contribute positively to our shared core task and is part of the goals in AU’s strategy 2020-2025. We create the culture together every day at work, and relations and collaboration are key elements.

Read more about workplace culture at AU

See the AU staff policy


Stress is a physical and psychological reaction to overload. It is a shared challenge and a joint responsibility for all of us. 

If you experience symptoms of stress, you are encouraged to involve your immediate manager or contact your union representative or occupational health and safety representative.

Find guidance on how to prevent and deal with stress

Offensive behaviour

Offensive behaviour is a generic term for bullying, sexual harassment, discrimination (e.g. based on race, gender and age), violence, threats or other forms of offensive behaviour.    

At AU, we do not accept offensive behaviour of any kind. Everyone at the university is responsible for ensuring that offensive behaviour does not occur.

We all have a duty to:

  • object and say no to offensive behaviour – both if you experience offensive behaviour against yourself, and if you witness it.
  • help a student or a colleague who experiences offensive behaviour. 

Find information, tools and advice on how to deal with offensive behaviour

Psychological counselling

Psychological counselling is available to all members of AU staff who experience work-related problems.

If you experience a problem or a crisis caused by your situation at work and which affects your performance at work, you can receive psychological counselling either anonymously or by referral.

Read more about psychological counselling

Workplace assessment (APV)

A workplace assessment is conducted once every three years, and the most recent was carried out in spring 2022. A new WPA is underway, and results will be available in April 2025. The WPA survey includes questions about both the physical and the psychological workplace environment at AU. The psychological part of the questionnaire is always anonymous.

Read about the WPA 2025 at Aarhus BSS

Contacts at MGMT

If you experience problems related to the physical working environment at MGMT, please contact Merete Elmann (occupational health and safety representative).

If you experience problems related to the psychological working environment, please contact your immediate manager, Bjarne Rerup Schlichter (union representative) or Merete Elmann (occupational health and safety representative). Both union representatives and occupational health and safety representatives have a duty of confidentiality and cannot pass on any information without your consent. 

If you want to discuss or raise critical issues regarding the psychological working environment at MGMT, and you prefer to not involve management, union representative or occupational health and safety representative, you are also welcome to contact our ombudsperson Oana Vuculescu at  
See more about the ombudsman function at