PhD courses

Individual course work plans are to be prepared during the first three months of the enrolment period and always in collaboration with the supervisor(s). The plan is then uploaded to the PhD planner and is then evaluated and approved by the Chairman of the MGMT programme and of the Head of the Aarhus BSS Graduate School. The PhD planner is an internal tool for planning, evaluation and approval to be used by all PhD students, all PhD supervisors and the Aarhus BSS Graduate School.  

MGMT PhD Courses

PhD students have to take 30 ECTS during the 3-year process. Overall, a minimum of 15 ECTS have to be taken from the coursework provided by Aarhus BSS (incl. Department of Management). The Department of Management has three compulsory courses: Qualitative Methods; Applied Quantitative Methods in Management Research, and The Research Process and the Role of Theory in Business Research. For information on the three compulsory courses at MGMT, please go to MGMT courses.  

Aarhus BSS PhD Courses

Aarhus BSS Graduate School offers a variety of courses for PhD students. The courses are related to each of the graduate school’s 7 programmes, and can be found here:  

CED PhD Courses

In addition to these courses, PhD students at Aarhus BSS Graduate School can participate in courses and workshops offered by the Centre for Educational Development (formerly CTL). Please see the range of courses here.  

National PhD courses

The remaining 15 ECTS can come from more specialized courses free of choice see e.g. the national database with PhD courses offered at the universities in Denmark or from other relevant research training course providers in the field of Management. It is advisable always to take courses of at least 5 ECTS.