PhD Event


Annika Kristin Zepke - 2nd year PhD presentation

Advertiser Bias in Business News: A Framing Perspective

Info about event


Thursday 22 August 2024,  at 10:00 - 10:45




Department of Management

Supervisors: Irene Pollach & John Thøgersen
Discussants: Pernille Smith & Ann-Kristina Løkke Møller

This paper extends previous research on advertiser bias by investigating how media outlets cover news about their advertisers through the lens of framing. We view news as the construction of a social reality, as journalists inevitably define an event when selecting which details to include in a story from the amount of available information. Thus, different media outlets may frame the same event differently, as journalists pay varying attention to its causes, costs, benefits, or potential remedies. Using quantitative content analysis, this paper applies both generic frames derived from the literature as well as inductively derived frames in order to account for news frames specific to the genre of corporate news. Empirically, this paper combines data about advertisers in the nine daily, national newspapers in the UK with data from news articles about these advertisers in the same newspapers to provide insight into the relationship between framing and advertiser bias. (Authors: Annika Zepke & Irene Pollach)

Everyone is welcome!