New PhD students enrolled at the department

Morten Overgaard Herrig and Sebastian Gram Rasmussen are now PhD students at MGMT

Morten Overgaard Herrig
Sebastian Gram Rasmussen

The following PhD students have begun their studies at the Department of Management 1 February:

Morten Overgaard Herrig with the project title ”Corporte Volunteering i en dansk erhvervs kontekst: En undersøgelse af muligheder og barrierer, i forbindelse med implementering af corporate volunteering og skabelsen af en bæredygtig udvikling for virksomheder, samfundet og den individuelle borger”. Morten will be working with supervisors Anne Ellerup Nielsen and Christa Thomsen and affiliated with the CorpCom section.

Sebastian Gram Rasmussen with the project title ”Understanding Scaling Social Impact and Growth of Social Hybrid Ventures from a Process Perspective: Models and Measurement Methodologies”. Sebastian will be working with supervisors Franziska Günzel-Jensen and Pernille Smith and affiliated with the INEIS section.

We warmly welcome our new PhD students!