New PhD student at MGMT - Kristina Jungdal-Olesen

Hi everybody!
Thank you for the warm welcome to your department – it has been a great first few weeks. I started my PhD studies on February 1st, and in my research project, I am working on how news media mediates questions of responsibility regarding climate change together with my supervisor, Irene Pollach, and co-supervisor, John Thøgersen.
I’ll be investigating questions about how responsibility for anthropogenic climate change is placed by media actors, if this changes over time as the pressure to combat climatic changes increases, how it is presented differently in different countries, and try to answer how responsibility is distributed between companies and consumers and the reactions this causes.
My academic background is in the History of Ideas, where I have both my BA and MA from Department of Philosophy and History of Ideas, School of Culture and Society at Aarhus University. Throughout my studies, I have focused on climate and the circulation of knowledge, and I’m very fascinated by how ideas, knowledge and beliefs is continuously co-created and circulated between actors in society. After finishing my master’s, I worked with climate and sustainability in public management in Odense, so I quiet enjoy my 15-minutes bike ride to work now that I’m here at the department 😊
When I’m not at work I enjoy bouldering and reading novels (especially sci-fi at the moment). I live in Aarhus N with my husband, Gustav.
Please feel free to stop by my office in 2628 – 437 if we haven’t said hello – or if you have any recommendations for a good book, or a tip for me on how to understand life at a business school as a person from humanities!
I’m looking forward to meeting everyone.