Five new PhD students enrolled at the department
Kristina Jungdal-Olesen, Lars Kjartan Bacher Svendsen, Michelle Ølgaard Nielsen, Mehdi Mahdavi and Helene Gerber begin their PhD studies at MGMT in February

The following PhD students begin their studies at the Department of Management in February:
Kristina Jungdal-Olesen with the project title 'Navigating the question of responsibility in climate change'. Kristina will be working with supervisors Irene Pollach and John Thøgersen and affiliated with the ODA section.
Lars Kjartan Bacher Svendsen with the project title 'Paradox leadership'. Lars Kjartan will be working with supervisors Jakob Arnoldi and Sarah Krøtel and affiliated with the ODA section.
Michelle Ølgaard Nielsen with the project title 'From excitement to exhaustion: Unraveling the dark sides of consumer psychology in online dating'. Michelle will be working with supervisors Lina Jacobsen and Signe Frederiksen and affiliated with the SIM section.
Mehdi Mahdavi with the project title 'Facilitating electric vehicles (EVs) adoption by tapping into the irrational brain: The role of emotions'. Mehdi will be working with supervisors Jacob Lund Orquin and Marco Hubert and affiliated with the SIM section.
Helene Gerber with the project title 'So very social: the role of social cognition in social media influencers’ work'. Helene will be working with supervisors Susanne Pedersen and Christiane Høvring and affiliated with the SIM section.
A warm welcome to all our new PhD students!