New PhD student at MGMT - Maria Ahmad

Maria Ahmad
Maria Ahmad

Hello everyone, I am Maria Ahmad. I am a new PhD student in the Department of Management as of 1st September 2024. I am so excited to be part of Aarhus University.

I am working in the MAPP Centre at the Department of Management under the supervision of Professor Jessica Aschemann-Witzel, Associate Professor Susanne Pedersen, and Associate Professor Lina Jacobsen. My project is 'Consumer and marketing research on alternative plant-based food ingredients to replace eggs'.  There is a growing market trend towards plant-based alternatives to animal-based products and ingredients, amongst others driven by climate, animal welfare, and health concerns. My research project aims to develop high-quality, climate-friendly, and affordable plant-based functional ingredients such as egg replacers that appeal to specific segments and mainstream consumers in terms of taste, product functionality, and societal benefits.

I have completed my MS in Management Sciences specialization in Marketing from COMSATS University, Islamabad, Wah Campus, Pakistan.

My main interests are in consumer behaviour and consumer psychological aspects related to brand management, Artificial Intelligence, Sustainability and Bioeconomy.