
To ensure that as many people as possible know what to do in the event of a fire, serious incident or major accident, MGMT staff should be familiar with the evacuation plans for our buildings.

Information material on evacuation and local evacuation areas is located in boxes hanging on the wall in the corridors at each floor of our buildings. All employees must make sure that they know where the nearest evacuation box is located.

There should be an evacuation leader for each of the evacuation areas, and a meeting point leader for each of the meeting points.

The idea is that anyone can (and should) assume the role of either evacuation leader or meeting point leader in the event of an emergency evacuation.

The evacuation leader must:

  • put on the yellow vest
  • clear the area of people
  • follow the instructions on the yellow instruction sheet

The meeting point leader must:

  • put on the orange vest
  • meet the evacuees at the specified meeting point outside the building
  • follow the instructions on the orange instruction sheet

There are two meeting points:

  • In front of the main entrance between buildings 2631(K) and 2632(L).
  • The parking area behind building 2636(U).

Employees must go to the meeting point that is closest to their building.

At the AU staff service website you can read more about evacuation at AU and find folders and other useful material about evacuation: Evacuation at AU

You may also find information about the emergency response procedure at AU: Emergency response procedure at AU

If you have questions, please contact Lone Larsen or Merete Elmann (the MGMT Occupational Health and Safety Group).