Four new PhD students enrolled at the department
Alejandro Cordoba Ruiz, Christopher Cunliffe, Emilija Daubaraite and Cyprien Christian Vittoz begin their PhD studies at MGMT in February

The following PhD students begin their studies at the Department of Management in February:
Alejandro Cordoba Ruiz with the project title 'Understanding the influence of environmental factors on eating behavior'. Alejandro will be working with supervisors Alice Grønhøj and Jessica Aschemann-Witzel and affiliated with the SIM section.
Christopher Cunliffe with the project title 'Exploring virtual characters influence on inclusion in the market, examining cultural alignment, sense of belonging and authenticity in representation'. Christopher will be working with supervisors Lina Fogt Jacobsen and Anne Odile Peschel and affiliated with the SIM section.
Emilija Daubaraite with the project title 'When is close too close? Boundaries of personalized marketing and its impact on customer engagement'. Emilija will be working with supervisors Marco Hubert and Sascha Steinmann and affiliated with the SIM section.
Cyprien Christian Vittoz with the project title 'A kaleidoscope inside Pandora’s Box - Understanding formal and informal influences on coalition contagion'. Cyprien will be working with supervisors Ann-Kristina Løkke Møller and Christian Waldstrøm and affiliated with the ODA section.
A warm welcome to all our new PhD students!