Five new PhD students enrolled at the department
Erik Gideon Hansen, Liping Hu, Lea Frida Wiese Christensen, Nea Noora Janiina Tuovinen and Jason DiPalma begin their PhD studies at MGMT in September 2023

The following PhD students begin their studies at the Department of Management in September:
Erik Gideon Hansen with the project title 'Exploring the Impact of Hybrid Work on Employee Sense of Belonging in an International Context'. Erik Gideon Hansen will be working with supervisors Jakob Lauring and Ann-Kristina Løkke Møller and affiliated with the ODA section.
Liping Hu with the project title 'Corporate Ownership Structure and Environmental Performance: Environmental Strategies of State-Owned Enterprises and Private-Owned Enterprises'. Liping Hu will be working with supervisors Anders Villadsen and Jakob Arnoldi and affiliated with the ODA section.
Lea Frida Wiese Christensen with the project title 'Utilising Management Accounting Techniques as Management Decision Tools for Innovative Practices'. Lea Frida Wiese Christensen will be working with supervisors Morten Jacobsen and Markus Brunner and affiliated with the ODA section.
Nea Noora Janiina Tuovinen with the project title 'Future-Proofing Business Strategies: How Does the Entrepreneurial Mindset Support Designing Adaptive Strategies in the Face of Ambiguity?'. Nea Noora Janiina Tuovinen will be working with supervisors Franziska Günzel-Jensen and Oana Vuculescu and affiliated with the SIM section.
Jason DiPalma with the project title 'Retailing in the Metaverse: Insights into Consumer Behavior in Metaverse Shopping and Implications for Retail Management'. Jason DiPalma will be working with supervisors Sascha Steinmann and Marco Hubert and affiliated with the SIM section.
A warm welcome to all our new PhD students!