Access to IT systems will be restricted in the evening of 27 September
On Thursday 27 September from 20.00h to 23.30h, the university’s IT systems will be inaccessible in most of Campus Aarhus and Katrinebjerg. On Monday 24 September from 18.00h to 20.00h, the university’s land-line telephone system will be inaccessible.

Some of the university's IT services will be inaccessible on Thursday 27 September from 20.00h to 23.30h. This is due to scheduled maintenance. Most buildings at Campus Aarhus and Katrinebjerg will be affected.
The shutdown will cause interruptions in filservices (fællesdrev), NFIT’s email system, Wireless network – AU Gadget og Eduroam, AUWLAN/ASBVIP and VPN.
The land-line telephone system at the university (IP telephony) will be inaccessible on Monday 24 September from 18.00h to 20.00h. This is due to scheduled maintenance.
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