Travelling - RejsUd/CWT

Quick link to RejsUd login

Funding (Applies to funding from both external projects and the department)

Prior to any trip you must fill in the MGMT Travel Application and send it to the expense is already in your budget.

Prior to any trip you must familiarize yourself with the AU travel policy. Beware that some expenses e.g. car rental must always be approved by the Head of Department beforehand.

If the trip is not in your budget, you must obtain a signature from your supervisor if you are a PhD student. All other employees must obtain a signature from the Head of Section or Head of Programme.

The form is mandatory for all travel activities and your travel settlement will not be accepted without this form duly completed. This applies regardless of the type of funding.

If you are a project owner and the trip is to be paid for by the project, you are allowed to sign expense forms and travel applications yourself. It is still mandatory to fill in the forms and hand them in.

It is the buyer's responsibility to make sure that the filled in and signed form is sent to prior to the purchase. You can read more about purchases here

Department policy is that settlements in RejsUd are done within 30 days of the purchase/trip.


AU's travel agency is Carlson Wagonlit Travel (CWT). It is mandatory to use CWT as your travel agency when ordering plane tickets paid by AU funds or AU administered funds. This applies when you are ordering tickets for yourself and if you order for others – also people who are not employed by AU.

However, it is also allowed to buy plane tickets directly from the airlines' websites, but NOT through search engines, other travel agencies or the like.

Please note that failing to follow these rules may cause rejection of your travel claim.

New employees will receive an e-mail from the RejsUd/CWT team explaining how to activate your profile in the CWT travel portal.
You can book online via the CWT travel portal or by e-mail: or phone 3363 7744.
In the CWT travel portal, it is also possible to check-in and to see your itinerary and information on travels. The portal also has links to AU’s travel policy and AU’s procedures for travel.


When you stay at a hotel in Denmark in connection with your work at AU, you must either book hotels included in AU’s hotel agreement or the Agency for the Modernisation of Public Administration hotel agreement. Please always ask for 'State price'.

When  booking a hotel please note the maximum limits for hotel prices. You can read more about hotels, per diems, mileage etc. at this link.

Your hotel bill (also if you use Airbnb abroad) must always include the following information:

  • 'Aarhus University - your name'
  • VAT number: 31119103
  • Information regarding whether the price includes breakfast or not.

Settlement (RejsUd)

All travel accounts and/or credit card transactions must be settled in AU's settlement system RejsUd no later than 30 days after the purchase/trip.

Please click here to see introduction video to RejsUd

Please click here for general information about RejsUd (including login and guidelines).

You are expected to do this yourself, but if you need help you can book a meeting in Outlook with Marianne FrimerSolvejg Strømberg Gyldenløv or Jane Jøhnke. The settlement has to be done on your own computer.

Please note that AU will only cover the costs of transport to and from airports. Local transportation at your destination should be covered by your daily allowances unless you have a valid explanation.

For trips lasting more than 24 hours, please use "Travel claim". For trips lasting less than 24 hours and expenses needed to be settled prior to the actual trip, please use "Expense claim".

For more information regarding travelling please find information here: AU travel team

Travel Insurance

When travelling on official business all employees at Aarhus University are covered by AU travel insurance. You do not need written approval from the department.

You can print an insurance card here: Print insurance card

AU’s CVR no.: 31 11 91 03

In case an accident should happen and you need to initiate an insurance claim, confirmation from the Head of Department must be included.

Persons affiliated with but not employed by Aarhus University whose journey is fully or partially paid by AU can apply for travel insurance. The application for travel insurance is sent to Expense Travel, MGMT and e-mail confirmation is considered valid proof of travel insurance coverage.

Please be aware that you are only insured by the AU travel insurance for the business part of the trip. If you for example extend your trip with a few extra days of holiday at your own expense, you must take out private travel insurance to cover the extended stay and travel time.

You can read more about travel insurance here: Travel insurance