If you need information in connection with postings or employment of staff, please contact:
Ioana Postelnicu: Student workers, long-term guests and instructors
Pernille Mønster Leth: Research assistants, postdocs, assistant and associate professors, professors, external lecturers
When you contact Ioana or Pernille to hire a new employee, please bring the following information:
In connection with externally funded employment, please always contact BSS Finances and Budgetting as well.
It is important to contact Ioana or Pernille as early as possible, as the various processes take time both at the department and in HR.
Relevant links
Short-term stays: http://ias.au.dk/short-term-stays/
Trainees: http://mgmt.staff.au.dk/practical-information/student-workers-and-trainees/
Guests: https://mgmt.staff.au.dk/practical-information/guests-and-guest-offices
Transcriptions: https://mgmt.staff.au.dk/practical-information/transcriptions