New PhD student at MGMT - Pedro Natividade Jørgensen

Pedro Natividade Jørgensen
Pedro Natividade Jørgensen


I’m Pedro, and I am part of the recent September PhD cohort here in the department.

Fortunately, I have already had the chance to meet some of you in the line to the coffee machine during my prior role as an assistant while finishing my master’s degree here at BSS. Going full-time, however, I am happy that I get to meet (and pester?) even more of you smart folks out there!

Before committing to academia, I was previously working in a start-up company here in Aarhus providing companies access to a whistleblowing platform. Although heavily micro-managed, I was fortunate enough to acquire insights and connections within the industry. Therefore, my research explores whistleblowing within a public and private company setting.

Throughout my PhD project, I seek to investigate how managers can more optimally establish such a whistleblowing channel by utilizing behavioral economics principles, and thereby assisting employees who are uncertain or unwilling to currently report unethical behavior, misconduct etc. As plenty of research is occupied with whistleblowing intention, my goal is to determine whistleblowing action and under the supervision of Sonja & Sebastian, I am sure the project will be successful.

Outside of research, I enjoy different sports with friends, as I am always up for a challenge in padel tennis when I am not invested in fantasy books and video games.

It’s a pleasure to get to call myself your colleague – should you find the interest or need, I am based in 2622-215 and will be open to chats, sports challenges and everything in between.