New PhD student at MGMT - Nina Melanie Mølgaard Nielsen

My name is Nina, and I started my PhD at the Department of Management, more specifically at the Marketing section, on 1 February this year. Throughout my PhD I will be investigating technostress, including the appraisal of and coping with technology-based stressors, and how this might impact consumer’s affect, behaviour, and cognition. To support this investigation, I will be incorporating neurophysiological measures, and I will have the pleasure of having Alice Grønhøj and Mirja Hubert as my supervisors.
The halls of Fuglesangs Allé are quite familiar to me as I have completed both my bachelor’s (in Economics and Business Administration) and my master’s degree (in Marketing) here. During my master’s programme I worked as a student assistant at the Management department where I also continued as a research assistant for half a year until I started my PhD programme.
Academics aside, I enjoy all the basic stuff such as reading books, listening to podcasts, going for walks, watching bad reality TV, cooking, baking, going to the gym and playing golf.
I feel very privileged and grateful to have gotten this opportunity. Thank you to those of you I have already talked to for welcoming me to the department, and I look forward to meeting those of you that I have not already met. Usually, you can find me in my office (2622-C205) – feel free to stop by for a chat. If you do not find me at my office, you can try looking for me at the coffee machines or just have a chat with my very friendly office mate Jason!