MGMT offers academic staff (assistant and associate professors and full professors) the opportunity to go abroad for a period of up to six months to allow them to concentrate on their research. Being able to focus on research in a stimulating environment is a good way to improve one’s research productivity.
Staff wanting to go on a research stay abroad must apply to their Head of Section, outlining where they want to go, when they want to go, and describing the kind of research they want to engage in during their stay.
To be eligible for a research stay, the researcher must meet the yearly teaching obligations either by saving up a surplus and/or making arrangements for reducing the deficit afterwards. Please note that a research stay will not reduce teaching obligations.
It is furthermore the responsibility of the researcher going abroad to ensure that all obligations regarding course responsibilities, teaching, supervision and exams at the department are covered by colleagues during their stay; the deal(s) made must be approved by the relevant Deputy Head of Department.
Tickets must be booked according to AU travel regulations. Staff wanting to go on a research stay abroad is encouraged to seek external funding to cover costs. Application for funding can be discussed with the Heads of Section.
As of 1 January 2017, the MGMT department guarantees a deficit coverage of up to a max. of DKK 50,000 provided that you have applied for funding and that it has been approved by the Head of Department in advance.
Documentation, i.e. applications and budget, must be sent to the Head of Department to apply for the deficit guarantees. Naturally, all expenses must be handled according to AU rules.
For tax-related questions, please contact one of our HR contact persons:
For other questions, please contact Pernille Mønster Leth.