The following rules apply as from now:
At oral exams with a duration of max. 2 hours, the internal examiner takes care of water/coffee/tea for himself and the external examiner.
At oral exams with a duration of more than 2 hours, the study supporter responsible orders water/coffee/tea for the internal and external examiner from the canteen in the S building, and the internal examiner picks it up before the exam. The water will be in bottles.
If the exam has a duration of more hours and/or takes place during lunchtime, the study supporter responsible orders lunch from the canteen in the S building, and the internal and external examiner pick it up in the canteen, and lunch can then be eaten in the exam room, the canteen in the S building or in our own canteen Valhalla. The internal examiner takes care of returning the pots and possible tableware to the canteen/cleaning tables.
As to exam signs to put on the door at oral exams, all study supporters will have exam signs in the office, and the internal examiner can pick up a sign, if he should like to.