IT purchases

You need prior approval in order to purchase IT equipment. Please see the guidelines below:

Purchase through the IT Webshop

All IT related purchases MUST be made through the IT Webshop. This means that you are not allowed to purchase IT equipment without involving AU IT. This applies to both ordinary and external funds. If you need equipment that cannot be found in the IT Webshop, select the product: Unspecified and just note your wish in the comments field - when you reach the checkout page. We refer to Procurement Policy for Aarhus University. 

It is your personal responsibility to seek approval before placing an IT-order by sending an email to with the following information:

  • Item you wish to purchase
  • Price
  • Where should the money come from? (department, section, PhD budget, external funding)
  • Reason for purchase?

The following items need prior approval – project (sag) and activity (sagsopgave) will be informed when purchase is approved:

  • Computer
  • Monitor
  • Telephone
  • iPad
  • Webcam 

The following items can be bought without prior approval using project (sag) 10569 and activity (sagsopgave) 82501:

  • SPSS license
  • STATA license
  • NVIVO license
  • Headset for Skype
  • Mouse
  • Keyboard 

Please contact Marianne Frimer if you have questions or are in doubt.

If you need additional IT equipment, here is an overview of department funding of miscellaneous IT equipment:

Overview of department funding of miscellaneous IT equipment


Permanent staff (associate professors, professors, TAP), assistant professors, senior researchers, and PhD students   

Mobile, max DKK 6,000

Permanent staff (associate professors, professors, TAP), assistant professors and senior researchers

iPad: Apple iPad Pro 11”, 128 GB, max DKK 7,000 + iPad cover

Permanent staff (associate professors, professors, TAP), assistant professors and senior researchers

Subscriptions for iPad

No (but in some cases by agreement with the Head of Department)

 USB stick

Please contact Mette Findal Fries


Professors, associate professors, and assistant professors may choose the cheapest version of PC, Mac Pro 14’’ or Mac Air.
Postdocs and PhD students will get an HP standard laptop.
Computers for postdocs are generally funded by the project in which they are employed.

If the selection above does not cover your professional computer needs, please contact your Head of Section.

 Smart Watch


VMware Horizon Client, Parallel etc.

To run Windows on your Mac you can use this free software Oracle VM VirtualBox

Printer in office


Scanner in office


Home office equipment
