Conferences and events

Choose type of event below


A: External events targeted at alumni and companies

If your event is externally targeted at alumni and companies, based on Aarhus BSS's position of strength in the field of research and supports the school's brand, please click this link for more information.

B: Department-specific events and conferences

Before gaining approval
When you start planning a conference or an event you should always make sure that the administrative side is in place first. Basically, you always need approval that the department will provide resources (time, money, location etc.) before you commit to anything.  

When you have gained approval
Do you need help planning a conference or an event? The MGMT conference team is here to help you. The team consists of Merete Elmann, Inger Larsen, Dorthe Lehmann and Vibeke Vrang.  

How to apply for support:

  • Submit your approved MGMT Conference Sheet to a member of the conference team or to the email below
  • The conference team will contact you and invite you to a kickoff/planning meeting

If you have any questions, please contact the conference team at 

For more information about event support at AU, check the links below: