Parental leave

If you go on parental leave, please remember:

  • To inform your immediate superior of the expected date of childbirth and the extent to which you wish to take pregnancy leave no later than 3 months prior to the expected date of childbirth.
  • To inform Anne Nisker Toppenberg / Christian Waldstrøm if you teach - for planning issues.
  • Make sure that you have settled all expenses in RejsUd before you go on leave.
    If questions, please contact Marianne Frimer.

  • To inform your absence administrator: Holidays (AUHRA)
  • In dialogue with your immediate superior, you should be aware of the planning of holiday after your parental leave. 
  • To send in form 1 no later than 3 months before expected date of birth: Parental leave - form 1
  • To send in form 2 no later than 8 weeks after childbirth: Parental leave - form 2

All forms should be sent via e-mail to your immediate superior and with a copy to HR. If you are a PhD student, please send it to your graduate school.